Saturday, May 23, 2009

Another Way to Power Your Life

Every day we use energy to do many jobs for us; from lighting and heating or cooling our homes, to powering our televisions and computers. Whether it’s created or provided by the sun, electricity has become a necessity in our life. Electricity and solar energy both provide the energy we need in our homes and jobs in their unique way. They’re both come from different sources and they also have different effects in our lives. Electricity and Solar energy might provide the same service but they’re different in the way they’re created, the effects they have in our planet and their differences in prizes for their consumers.
Electricity is a secondary energy source that is created from the conversion of other sources of energy, like coal, natural gas, and oil; primary sources. The electricity is produced at an electric plant. In there turbines, engines, water wheels, or other similar machine are being used to drive the generator and convert the energy. The electrical generator converts mechanical energy into electricity. Then the electricity travels through transformers to houses and businesses. People demand electricity more and more each day but they don’t realize the effects that it has in our planet. In the United States, the electric power industries are the ones that produce more pollution than any other industry. By producing electricity thousands of natural resources are being eliminated or damage and it contributes to global warming. In addition, electricity prices vary. They depend in the cost of the primary sources like petroleum, coal, and natural gas. Average rates vary from $.11 cents to $.16 cents per kWh, so the average cost of electricity for its consumers runs from $1500 to $3000 yearly. On the other hand, we have solar energy; a natural resource delivered.
On the other hand, we have solar energy; a natural resource delivered from the sun. The sun provides enough energy to light up the entire U.S. Energy can be produced by converting the sun’s rays into electricity through solar panels, also known as Photovoltaic (PV‘s). This panels convert the solar energy into DC (direct current) and then the energy is inverted into 120-volt AC (alternating current) electricity, needed by home appliances, generated when and where its need it. Since solar energy is clean and renewable, provided by the sun or other natural resources, it doesn’t affect t our planet. It doesn’t pollute our air or water and it doesn’t play a part in global warming. Solar energy helps to protect our environment. Since the energy is provided by the sun, it cost less. Using PV’s (solar panels) the electricity bill is calculated by the dollar per watt. PV’s can reduce up to 50% the electricity bills or even eliminate the electrical bill. Therefore after the person finishes paying for the installation they will recover whatever they invested and save extra money on the bills.
Solar energy and electricity might provide the same service but they’re very different from each other. One is so amazed by the technology improvements on electricity and how it facilitates our lives. Therefore one tends to forget how the first human beings survived without it. Sunshine has and will always be there to bright up our days, so it shouldn’t be ignored. As it was establish before, electricity is essential in our lives, but there are many options available that can help us and our planet.

1 comment:

  1. If your from the city of Houston and would like to save some money on your electric bill. get in touch with me at
